Projector for sewing: Magcubic models

HY300 model
with native resolution of 720p
(cheaper, smaller size: 12″L x 6″W x 10″H,

larger image, but not as bright)

HY320 model
with native resolution of 1080p
(more expensive, larger size: 8″L x 12″W x 10″H, image slightly smaller, but brighter

This page provides information about the Magcubic models projector, and will be updated soon with a full review and spec comparisons. Specifications and support manuals available here for the HY300 720p model and here for the HY320 1080p model.

Between the cheaper HY300 and HY320 models, I would choose the cheaper smaller HY300, it is still very good for projecting patterns.

The Magcubic models make the largest image sizes among mini projectors. The cheaper HY300 720p model is slightly more expensive than the Yoton recommended projector, but makes larger images and is slightly brighter. Other recommended projectors for sewing, are available here.

This review of the Magcubic from Sheredith on her Projector Sewing youtube channel shows the Magcubic HY300 720p in action.

There are many other models with a similar form factor, but not all create the large image sizes we need. The Magcubic models are recommended over other reseller’s brands.

Affiliate links for Magcubic models:

The affiliate link funds will be used to maintain and develop this website. affiliate links:
Magcubic HY300 720p wifi + hdmi model:
– More expensive model with Wifi 6 Ghz compatibility
– Cheaper model with older 2.4/5Ghz compatibility:
Magcubic HY320 1080p wifi + hdmi model: affiliate links:
Magcubic HY300 720p wifi + hdmi model:
Magcubic HY320 1080p wifi + hdmi model: affiliate links:
Magcubic HY300 720p wifi + hdmi model:
Magcubic HY320 1080p wifi + hdmi model

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