4.0 Finding your way around the workspace

“What are all of these things around my pattern?” is the first question that comes up when using Inkscape. For projector sewing, we can hide most of the toolbars as we only use a few key parts of the workspace features. 

One of the advantages of Inkscape over Adobe for projecting is that we can do most of our pattern preparation work in Full Screen mode so that the workspace is as simple as possible with just the tools we need. Click here for steps to access and customize Full Screen mode to do that, and then you don’t even need to know anything about any of the toolbars as they will be hidden. 

Here’s how Full Screen mode can look for basic pattern projecting work, with layers panel on the left, zoom setting on the lower right and menu functions at the top.

If you want to understand more about the Inkscape workspace tools, the picture and description below give an overview of each of the parts of the workspace. There’s no need to remember each of these names and functions, just refer back to this information when needed.

From The User Interface — Inkscape Beginners’ Guide 1.0 documentation (inkscape-manuals.readthedocs.io):