How to fix pattern files that won’t open in software to make pattern fitting adjustments

Before projecting and digital editing of patterns became popular with both customers and designers, many designers used Adobe locking features to try to reduce access to the underlying file in the PDFs they created. This was done for the very important goal of preventing thieves from copying and stealing files. But the way Adobe protection works is very simplistic and it is very easy for any potential thief to defeat this encryption with a quick google search for the many online tools for unlocking pdfs. So locking files only adds frustration to good customers who want to make fitting adjustments digitally, and does nothing to prevent stealing of files. 

More and more designers are now changing their practice and leaving pdfs unrestricted. The benefits of brand loyalty and reducing customer frustration by making it simpler for their customers to make fitting adjustments digitally, just as customers are allowed to make paper fitting adjustments are significant.

For customers that are dealing with these locked files, which sometimes also restrict measusing or annotation tools, here are the suggested solutions:

  • Many vector editing programs, including Inkscape, and PDF reader programs, such as Xodo, do not recognize Adobe’s proprietary locking system, so the PDF will open with no restrictions in those programs.

However, Affinity Designer and Illustrator do limit access to locked PDFs unless modified first.

To make digital fitting adjustments to these files and/or remove restrictions on Annotation/Commenting and Measuring tools:

  • Option 1 for Windows or Mac computer: run the file through PDFStitcher (no setting adjustments needed) and save a new PDF which will open properly. Info about downloading PDFStitcher are in Tip #2 of the older Top Tips Guide.
  • Option 2: For mobile, or on computer without PDFStitcher: Use this tool on website:

Using Inkscape instead of Affinity Designer or Illustrator avoids these extra steps. The Beginner’s Guide to Inkscape for Projector Sewing helps learn the program.