What is this site

Hi, I’m Sasha, and I am a sewing tech nerd. Welcome to this site, I hope you find some useful INFO! ?

The goal of this site is to make information about projector sewing, and related topics more accessible. As an admin of Projectors for Sewing Facebook Group since 2019, I have gained so much knowledge seeing all the members post their experiences, reviews, challenges, questions and tips over the years, and I love to share the wisdom I have gained from others and my own education and experiences.

Over the years in the Facebook group, I developed a number of guides for projector sewists to choose a projector, setup and calibrate it, and tips on how to use it. Since Facebook is such a limited platform, and doesn’t offer the accessibility and permanency of a dedicated, stand alone website, I wanted to have a site for a more permanent home for these resources. So finally, I have found some time to make this aspiration I had of making a website to make this information available to any one on the web, not just member of the Projectors for Sewing Facebook group.

I will slowly be adding more info to this site (and have plans for a much better name for this website in the near future, I can’t wait to change it!), but wanted to start small, and add the most important resources for projector sewing first:

Recommended projectors
How to setup and calibrate, and learn to cut or trace via projector
How to make pattern adjustments digitally (lots more info coming on this topic!)
What patterns are most suited to projector sewing

I may also start a very occasional email newsletter to let people know when there’s new info on the site, or other related resources I want to share. I’d love you do subscribe, so I know there’s at least a few people who might read my emails.

If there’s anything you think I should add to this website, or have other comments, please let me know in in the discussion area below.

Thanks and happy sewing!

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