Projector sewing community

There are dozens of online projector sewing communities and discussion forums around the world, and I am listing here those that I have in my bookmarks. Please add in the comments any missing from this list, and I will edit this page.


Inkscape for Sewing


Projectors for Sewing
Sewing Patterns for Projectors
Affinity Designer for Pattern Design and Alterations
The Ditto Thread (for Ditto projector system only)
Projectors for sewing – Australia & NZ
Projection et Patrons (de couture)
Naaien met een projector/beamer
Nähen mit Beamer – Hilfe und Austausch
Beamerfreundliche Schnittmuster
Projektorer för sömnad Sverige
Projektorsömnad med So Sew Me
Projektorsyning – sy med projektor
Šití s projektorem









(including those with most content related to projector sewing)

Dailey Sews Stuff
Projector Sewing
Techie Sewing
Yvonne Tataika

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